Friday, October 15, 2010

Those were the nights! Part 1. . .

It had to happen sooner or later . . . the dreaded night duty! Working from 7:45pm to 8:15 am in one hit NOOOOOOO! How the hell was I going to cope with this. Some of my friends and fellow students had already embarked on their stints of night duty. This was signposted down the nurses home corridors with an unfolded nurses hat flying from the door way in an attempt to say shut the *&%* up I'M on nights. This did not however deter the rattling around of the cleaner in the morning; even if your waste bin was put out side the room AND there was a tell-tale white-board notice on the door declaring NIGHT DUTY please shhhhhhh! etc. NO! the cleaner bless her decided to clatter her way into the room with her skeleton key and crank open the door handle, peep round the door and on seeing me 'trying' to sleep in bed, go in reverse, bang the door and clump down the corridor dragging her 'henry' behind her! 
I quite liked working nights; honest! I felt quite special appearing for duty in regulation navy & red lined cape, seeing the late shift going home and setting about helping patients to feel comfortable as possible for a night's sleep! ARE YOU KIDDING? Sleep!! Hmmmmm. Not the word that springs to mind, with all the clatter of the medicine trolley and various casualty trolley being wheeled in and out, curtains whipping round, commodes rattling in and out, drip stands being wheeled about, telephones, buzzers and that's not even mentioning the burping, snoring and farting emitting from various beds. So, sleep for those patients didn't really feature did it!

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